Mountain Safety Research (MSR), is all about the very best in outdoor gear for camping, hiking, and climbing adventures. They offer a range of products like tents, stoves, water filters, and snowshoes. Founded back in 1969 by Larry Penberthy, an engineer and mountaineer hailing from Seattle, MSR aims to enhance the safety of climbing gear and provide climbers with the best info and equipment out there. Shop the MSR collection today at Summits online.

MSR Mini- Groundhog Stake Tent Pegs (Single)
MSR Titan Spork
MSR  Mini-Groundhog Tent Stakes/Pegs (Pack of 6) - 15cm
MSR Groundhog Tent Stakes/Pegs (Pack of 6) - 19cm
MSR Alpine Stainless Steel Camping Fry Pan
MSR Universal Tent Footprint 1 Regular
MSR TrailShot Filter Cartridge and Maintenance Kit
MSR Titan Double Wall Mug 375ML
MSR Universal Tent Footprint 2 - Regular
MSR Universal Tent Footprint 3 Regular
MSR Universal Tent Footprint 2 Large
MSR Trail Mini Solo Cook Set
MSR Titan Titanium Kettle 1400ML main
MSR Universal Tent Footprint 3 Large
MSR Trail Mini Duo Cook Set
MSR TrailShot Pocket-Sized Water Microfilter
MSR MiniWorks® EX Microfilter Water Filter
MSR Elixir 3 Tent - 3 Man Trekking/Backpacking Tent
MSR Hubba NX Solo Backpacking Tent - 1 Person Trekking Tent
msr bikepacking tent
MSR Hubba Hubba NX 2 Tent - 2 Person Tent
MSR Mutha Hubba NX Tent - 3 Person Tent